Somatic Experience
Trauma healing
As part of Dr. Pratibha Eastwood's continuing journey as a practicing therapist, she's studied Somatic Experiencing® with Dr. Peter Levine. Somatic Experiencing® is a methodology designed to resolve trauma symptoms and relieve chronic stress. It was developed by Dr. Levine after forty years of research and development. Somatic Experiencing® has been successfully used throughout the world and has helped to heal combat veterans, rape survivors, chronic pain sufferers, and people suffering from auto accidents and post-surgical trauma. Somatic Experiencing® has been very effective in helping people overcome the effects of trauma and relieving chronic stress. It helps return a sense of aliveness, relaxation, and wholeness to traumatized individuals.
Licensed to offer Beginning, Intermediate & Advanced SE Sessions and Supervision
Contact Dr. Eastwood Regarding Sessions
"I never made one of my discoveries through rational thinking."
Albert Einstein